Art Visit to Tate Britain - Latest News - ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì



Art Visit to Tate Britain

Year 10 and Year 11 GCSE Art students visited the Tate Britain this week to study artists’ work in connection with their GCSE projects. The students had a successful trip, having the opportunity to view a large number of exhibits in the gallery before choosing a selection of them to draw. Year 10 students gained ideas for their upcoming sculpture project based on natural forms by studying the work of Barbara Hepworth and Henry Moore. They also enjoyed looking closely at plans and models of sculptures by British Sculptor Antony Gormley. The Year 11 students were also able to gain inspiration from the works of art in the gallery, which was beneficial in their preparatory stages of their exam project titled ‘Fragments’.

We look forward to seeing the culmination of their work later in the year at the annual Art Exhibition on Thursday 21st June.

To find out more about Tate Britain please follow the link below:



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